putiluxe rug

Mehrlagiger Teppich aus Luftpolsterfolie.

The "putiluxe rug" is a rug made out of a familiar packing material PutiPuti®, inspired by an oriental rug. Karlsruhe-based German designer Katrin Sonnleitner developed this massively gorgeous rug with a five-ply air bubble sheet cut to express symmetrical geometry pattern. It's so splendid that someone cannot recognize it's made from cheap and ordinary materials at first glance. She converted something not special into a luxurious piece just by cut and paste. - Gen Higashikawa

DeLuxe? Exhibition
30 October 2008 - 3 November 2008
Gallery EGG (Aoyama, Tokyo), DesignTide Tokyo 2008

Kuratoren: Gen Higashikawa, Tetsuya Uno, Hiroshi Kawano
